Your generosity helps enhance the well-being of residents like June
Walk into the room of Creekside Wing resident June Hill and you are immediately aware that you are in the presence of a true artist. June is busy working on a lovely piece of Hair Pin lace. Instead of knitting, she uses a loom to work with the wool. June paints, knits, crochets, writes poetry and is an accomplished self-taught musician. She attributes her strength and resilience to her strong faith.
I thank-you for these hands of mine
They keep me busy all the time
For if I had but naught to do
My ‘ccomplishments would be but few
And so these hands to you I bring
I thank you Lord for everything.
~ poem by June Hill
“Together, we can enhance the well-being of each person we serve by providing purpose, dignity and individual choice.”
– Cathy Lessard, Director of Resident Care